A couple of usefull Yoga links:
- The teacher's training I am following in the Netherlands: Saswitha Opleiding voor Yoga Wijsbegeerteen
- The Dutch Yoga teachers Union: Vereniging Yogadocenten Nederland
- To learn more about Harish Johari, Yoga, hinduism and philisophy: Sanatan Society
- Modern and active vision of yoga by teachers around the world. For a lively, humoristic, modern yoga approach: Yoganonymous
- Yoga clothing and props in Amsterdam. The owner teaches Yoga too: Infnti Lifestyle
Some fellow teacher across The Netherlands:
- Yoga bij het Park, Utrecht: Yoga bij het Park
- Yoga Studio Namaste, Hengelo:Yogastudio Namaste
- Yoga Driebergen: Yoga Driebergen
- Villa Yoga in Ijsselstein: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
- Yoga for kids and adults in Gouda:Kinderyoga Klavertje Vier
Good spots in Hilversum:
- Supermarché bio, un assortiment fantastique:
- Cours de Mindfulness (et de violoncelle!):
- Le meilleur cinéma de la région:
And a big thank you to:
- Wendy for the logo and her creativity: Wendy House
- Ton for building and maintaining this site: TheWhiteCloud